Preservings Issue No. 17, December 2000

1874 Revisited


The celebrations of the 125th anniversaries of the East and West Reserves, Manitoba, Canada, during 1999 and 2000 are now history. Hopefully, most of our readers, particularly those in Manitoba, were able to take part in at least some of the festivities. The most important thing of course is that these events have imparted many good memories and positive impressions to our youngsters, as this will ensure that they will remain proud of their heritage in years to come and therefore more fulfilled and wholesome human beings.

Past Issues

No. 16 (June 2000)

No. 15 (December 1999)

No. 14 (June 1999)

No. 13 (December 1998)


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Next Issue

No. 18 (June 2001)