Book Launch of “Historical Atlas of the East Reserve”Historical Atlas of the East Reserve, edited by Ernest N. Braun and Glen R. Klassen, will be launched on Saturday,…
Call for Papers: “Mennonites, Land and the Environment: A Global History”The Chair in Mennonite Studies is accepting proposals for papers for the 2016 “Mennonites, Land and the Environment: A Global History” conference. The…
Mennonite Archival Image DatabaseThe Mennonite Archival Image Database (MAID), launched in March 2015 after two years of design and development, provides online access…
Harry Loewen, Inaugural Chair in Mennonite Studies PassesDr. Harry Loewen, died on Wednesday, September 16, in Kelowna, British Columbia, after a lengthy struggle with cancer. Born in…
Plett Foundation Grant Supports Mennonite History ConferenceA grant from the Plett Foundation will help to support an upcoming history conference hosted by the Chair in Mennonite…
New WebsiteWe are pleased to announce the launch of our new website! There are several additions to the site, but something…
General Samuel McRoberts Photo CollectionIn 2014, the Mennonite Heritage Centre received six photograph albums of 231 photos from the family of former New York…
Plett Foundation Christmas HoursPlease note that the Plett Foundation offices will be closed from December 24, 2014 to January 4, 2015 (inclusive). We…
2014 Issue of Preservings ReleasedThe 2014 issue of Preservings has been released and should be arriving at subscribers’ doors just in time for reading over the Christmas…
Plett Foundation supports research exploring Mexican perceptions of Low German MennonitesRebecca Janzen, Assistant Professor of Spanish at Bluffton University in Ohio, is one of the most recent recipients of a…
Preservings 2013 Now Available OnlineThe 2013 issue of Preservings is now available as a free, full text PDF download on our website. Visit the Publications page to view…
Book Launch of “The Constructed Mennonite” by Hans WernerHans Werner’s upcoming book, The Constructed Mennonite: History, Memory, and the Second World War, will be launched at McNally Robinson’s Grant…